Tag: bonita springs wedding photographers

      Jessica & Jeremy Part 2 | The West Bay Club | Southwest Florida Wedding Photographer

      As promised, here are more photos from Jessica and Jeremy’s wedding at The West Bay Beach & Golf Club. It Must Be Love Weddings & Events did a beautiful job setting up the beach ceremony and poolside reception sites. Isn’t the mossy monogram a cool idea? Their ring bearer was too cute for words. He didn’t want to go down the aisle, but with his mom encouraging him from behind and his dad from the seats he managed to complete the all important task!

      Karl and I loved shooting Jessica and Jeremy’s reception at the West Bay Club. The light-strung palm trees and the pretty centerpieces along with the setting sun made for a stunning scene. It was fun as always to work with the video team at iHeart Films. The Steve Farst Band provided fun poolside entertainment all evening. The couple made cool use of sparklers surrounding their first dance. It was absolutely beautiful. It turned out to be one of our favorite parts of the day, watching Jess and Jeremy descend the stairs to their sparkly first dance and the awaiting party. You could tell that moment, looking at all of their loved ones below, stole Jessica’s breath for a moment. We stole the couple for a few more photos on the surrounding grounds. Their party, fotobooth and all, went strong until the end. Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Ridgeo!

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      Not expecting them to say yes, I suggested that Jessica and Jeremy roll down a hill. Not only did they agree, but Jessica clapped her hands at the thought! It was such a playful moment. Never hurts to ask, right?

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      I took these photos with a neat lens that turns the blurry faraway lights into little hearts. Fun!

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      Brigette & Nick Part 1 | Hyatt Regency Coconut Point | Bonita Springs Wedding Photography

      We were charmed by Brigette and Nick right from the get-go, and capturing their photos from engagement to wedding was absolutely a pleasure! First off, they asked us to create a surprise foto video for their wedding guests, which we’ll share in another post. We photographed their wedding day at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point in Bonita Springs. This is a couple with wonderful taste. The dresses, decoration, and details were so well done. How about the little guy with the sign! Adorable.

      Brigette and Nick are so adorable together, and it’s obvious to anyone near that they’re a great match. What a lovely couple. Just see the photos we caught of their first sight before the ceremony.

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      Marquis & Andrew | Spanish Wells Country Club | Naples Wedding Photographer

      To celebrate the wedding of Marquis and Andrew, we kicked off the day at the Felix Andrews Salon at Coconut Point. Marquis made her way down the street to Sephora for her makeup. The bridesmaids were pretty in their green J.Crew dresses. In the afternoon sun Marquis and Andrew were married at the same Bonita Springs beach where, once upon a time, they first met at a party. The skies were windy and sunny and it was just a gorgeous day. The couple help their wedding reception at Spanish Wells Golf and Country Club. Congratulations to the both of you! Oh yeah don’t forget to check out their wedding fotovideo, day after session and engagement photos.

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