Tag: Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Weddings

      Brigette & Nick Part 1 | Hyatt Regency Coconut Point | Bonita Springs Wedding Photography

      We were charmed by Brigette and Nick right from the get-go, and capturing their photos from engagement to wedding was absolutely a pleasure! First off, they asked us to create a surprise foto video for their wedding guests, which we’ll share in another post. We photographed their wedding day at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point in Bonita Springs. This is a couple with wonderful taste. The dresses, decoration, and details were so well done. How about the little guy with the sign! Adorable.

      Brigette and Nick are so adorable together, and it’s obvious to anyone near that they’re a great match. What a lovely couple. Just see the photos we caught of their first sight before the ceremony.

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      hyatt coconut point weddings
      weddings hyatt coconut point bonita springs photos
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      hyatt wedding photographers
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      bonita springs wedding photography first sight
      wedding photography luminaire foto southwest florida
      hyatt coconut point weddings photographers
      bonita springs wedding photography